General Policies


University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Campus Recreation staff has authority over patron conduct and the use of equipment. Failure to comply with these policies may result in removal from the facility. Report unauthorized use to a Campus Recreation employee.

Assumption of Risk

Participation in all activities is voluntary and all individuals knowingly assume all risks when they take part in informal or programmed recreational activities. Each participant also has a responsibility to use prudent and ordinary care in their actions. The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Campus Recreation are not liable for injuries sustained during participation in an activity or program.

General Policies

  • All patrons are expected to follow the Campus Recreation and University of Illinois code of conduct. View all policies.
    • Infliction or threat of bodily harm, whether done intentionally or with reckless disregard, including threat or action in retaliation for making allegations of misconduct, is prohibited
    • Use of abusive language and sexual misconduct is prohibited
    • Alcohol, tobacco products, electronic cigarettes (including vapes), illegal drugs, firearms, and other weapons are strictly prohibited in or near Campus Recreation facilities.
    • As part of the university, all Campus Recreation facilities are non-smoking areas.
  • Patrons must present a valid physical i-card, visitor card, or government-issued ID to access Campus Recreation facilities and programs. Campus Recreation has the right to ask any individual to provide an i-card, visitor card, or government-issued ID at any time. Photocopies and screenshots are not accepted.
  • Using another person’s i-card, visitor card, or government-issued ID is considered theft of service. Campus Recreation may report all incidents of ID misuse to the University Police and the i-card office. Campus Recreation will confiscate the ID.
  • Children (age 15 and under) must be supervised by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult (age 18 or over) at all times.
  • Glass containers are prohibited. (Water or sports drink in a sealed non-glass container is allowed.) Please inform Campus Recreation staff of any spills.
  • Abuse and misuse of equipment is prohibited.
  • Wipe down and clean equipment after each use with the gym wipes provided.
  • Spitting on floors, walls, stairwells, water fountains, or restroom sinks is prohibited.
  • Use headphones or earbuds while listening to personal music.
  • Report any damaged or faulty equipment, maintenance issues, or other concerns to a Campus Recreation employee.
  • Campus Recreation is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Day-use lockers and rental lockers are available.
  • Unauthorized use of facilities for instructing, training, or coaching is prohibited.
  • Photos and videos may be taken of informal recreation and programs by Campus Recreation or the University of Illinois and used for marketing and promotional purposes.
  • The unauthorized use of video, photography, and recording devices is prohibited. Publicly showing copyrighted movies and instructional videos is prohibited.
  • Campus Recreation staff must approve signs, banners, and bulletin board postings.
  • With the exception of service animals, animals, and pets are prohibited in any Campus Recreation facility.
  • The use of rollerblades, roller skates, hoverboards, skateboards, and bicycles is prohibited within all facilities. Bikes must be parked in bike racks available near all facilities.
  • Specific activity areas may have additional policies.
  • Spectating for special events must be arranged in advance.
  • Patrons are required to clean equipment immediately after use. Antibacterial cleaning wipes or disinfectant spray are provided to clean/disinfect equipment before/after use.

  • Appropriate attire must cover the chest and buttocks in all areas of the facility.
    • Exceptions to these clothing policies are allowed in pools, the sauna, the combat room, platforms, and squat racks. (Exceptions listed in policies of specific activity areas.)
    • Attire that could cause damage to equipment or facility, or create individual risk is prohibited
    • Athletic (non-marking) shoes are required for recreational activities – metal on the bottom of any footwear is prohibited in all facilities (spikes, taps, etc.), and no sandals, backless or open-toe shoes are allowed during activities
      • Crocs and other shoes with perforated holes are classified as open-toed shoes and therefore disallowed for recreational activities
    • Shoes should be free of debris before entering the facility
    • Minimal jewelry is advised.
    • Clothing with profane language, inappropriate subjects, etc. is not permitted to be worn in the facility.
  • Campus Recreation staff has the final say in determining appropriate clothing.

Drop-In Reservations

  • Drop-in bookings are available through ActiveIllini to Campus Recreation members. Bookings can also be made in person at the Member Services Desk
  • Bookings are available either 24 hours or 72 hours in advance, depending on the space, for an hour. The booking time is set in ActiveIllini.
  • Only one booking per day per person per activity or group is permitted.
  • Organized and group activities must be approved in advance by Campus Recreation through the space rental procedure.
  • All space utilization is ultimately subject to the discretion of Campus Recreation.
  • Use of facilities for paid instruction or coaching is prohibited.
  • Individuals and groups found making back-to-back reservations will be asked to leave the room and will lose drop-in booking privileges. Individuals and/or groups may not extend facility rentals with a drop-in booking.
  • All space utilization is subject to the discretion of Campus Recreation.

Equipment Return

  • Be sure to have a staff member check in equipment upon return
  • Patrons are responsible for returning the same numbered piece of equipment they check out (e.g., if you check out basketball #7, you must return basketball #7)
  • Should the wrong piece of equipment be returned, or the equipment is broken or lost, the patron will be charged a replacement fee

Please wait for an available Customer Service Assistant who can assist you with equipment returns.

Locker Rooms & Restrooms

  • Use of cameras, video recorders, mobile devices, or similar electronics is prohibited at any time in any locker room or restroom.
  • Campus Recreation honors the stated gender identity of our patrons. Gender identity may not be apparent or correspond with stereotypes about physical presentation.
  • Campus Recreation will always address inappropriate behavior that occurs in any part of our facility.
  • Water extractors are reserved for swimsuits only. Towels, soiled clothing, or other items may not be placed in the extractors.
  • Campus Recreation staff will access the locker rooms at various times for safety and maintenance reasons.
  • Campus Recreation is not responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen items. Day-use lockers and rental lockers are available.

All Gender & Family Locker Rooms & Restrooms

  • Campus Recreation strives to provide safe, comfortable, and convenient locker and restroom facilities. Private changing rooms are available in the all-gender changing rooms at ARC and CRCE and include restrooms, showers, lockers, and an infant changing table.
  • Changing rooms are ideal for patrons with small children, in need of special assistance, or desiring a higher level of privacy.

Children’s Locker Room Usage

  • A parent, guardian, or responsible adult (age 18 or over) of the same gender must accompany children into the appropriate locker room.
  • When a same-gender adult is not available, children (age 5 and under) may use locker rooms of the opposite sex under parent, guardian, or responsible adult (age 18 or over) supervision. Limit use to the shower areas of the locker room and leave through the same exit you entered. Do not walk through the entire locker room.


  • All personal items must be stored entirely inside a locker. Campus Recreation will remove all items left outside a locker.
  • Locker Information

Rental Lockers

  • Rental lockers are available on an annual basis. For further details (cost, size, eligibility, etc.) see staff at Member Services. Locker rentals are non-refundable.

Day-Use Lockers are available at no cost during hours of operation. The following policies apply to day-use lockers:

  • Available at no cost during hours of operation.
  • Use personal locks on day-use lockers. Combination locks are available for purchase at Member Services.
  • Belongings in day-use lockers must be cleared out before the daily facility closing.
  • Any locks remaining at the end of the day will be cut off at the owner’s expense and all items vacated. Present a photo ID or description of your possessions to retrieve items at Member Services.
  • Maps on ends of lockers in locker rooms identify day use lockers.

Lost & Found

Items will be disposed of after 30 days.  Reusable water bottles/drink containers will be kept for 48 hours then will be disposed of properly.

Organized/Group Activities

  • Organized/group activities should be authorized in advance by Campus Recreation Event Staff through the space reservation process or will be subject to the discretion of the on-duty staff.
  • Group activities interfering with others within Campus Recreation facilities without prior reservations may be asked to leave at the discretion of Campus Recreation.
  • Unauthorized use of facilities for instructing, training, or coaching is prohibited.

Personal Transportation Items

  • Use of In-Line Skates, Roller Skates, Skateboards, e-Scooters, other Self-Balancing Personal Transportation Devices, and Bicycles inside Campus Recreation facilities is prohibited.  Users may bring items in so long as they are not ridden AND fit inside a locker for storage.  Day use half- and full-sized lockers are available, free of charge, to all users.  Items that do not fit in a locker must remain outside.  The user must provide a lock.  Campus Recreation will not store or hold any personal transportation devices.  Hoverboards are prohibited at all times.  For more information, please view the Personal Transportation Devices policy in the Campus Administrative Manual. 

personal transportation

All refunds for memberships, classes, and programs require a $5 administrative charge per individual and approval from management. Some restrictions apply.

Download the Refund Request Form and fill it out and return it to the member services desk at ARC or CRCE to get your refund process started.


  • Doorways, hallways, elevators, and stairwells should be clear at all times.
  • Avoid cell phone conversations on speaker or loud responses.
  • Items are not permitted on any railing including fitness equipment, cell phones, and other personal items.
  • The use of candles, incense, and any other items that produce an open flame is prohibited in all Campus Recreation facilities without prior written approval from Campus Recreation staff.
