Club Sports Handbook
Quick Links
- Campus Recreation Introduction & General Information
- Club Sports Policies
- Member & Officer Requirements
- Risk Management
- Travel
- Facility Reservations & Scheduling
- Equipment
- Finances
- Marketing & Publicity
By Section
Section 1 – Campus Recreation Introduction & General Information
1.1 Campus Recreation Mission
Campus Recreation provides a welcoming environment with sustainable facilities and programs that inspire the University community to engage in recreation and wellness opportunities.
1.2 Campus Recreation Vision
There is a place for everyone at Campus Recreation.
1.3 Campus Recreation Values
- Innovation, minim
- Collaboration
- Leadership
- Student Experience
- Inclusiveness
1.4 Club Sports Definition
All Club Sports are registered student organizations formed by a group of students to further their common interests in an activity through participation and competition.The Club Sport program promotes student participation in a variety of physical and athletic activities, whether recreational, instructional, or competitive in nature. Many of our clubs compete at an elite level and contest for National Championships in their sport. Each Club Sport will determine its own membership guidelines, but they must be free of any restrictions or discrimination based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, or sexual orientation. Any restrictions based on gender are subject to the approval of the Department of Campus Recreation. Club members help with their own expenses through payment of individual semester and/or annual dues, fundraising projects and some university assistance.
Engagement in Club Sports provides the opportunity for learning experience through involvement in club activities, including recruiting, organizing, administering, scheduling, fundraising, public relations, etc. Club Sport participants can be rewarded by not only athletic competition, but also the development of skills in collaboration, leadership, problem-solving, and management of risk, time, and finances. While Campus Recreation can assist clubs with some aspects of space reservation, event planning, and marketing, the emphasis is on student leadership and contribution. For this reason, the success of a club depends on the dedicated efforts of its student officers and members.
1.5 Statement on Relationship with the University of Illinois
While registered organizations are an integral part of campus life at the University of Illinois, it should be clear that these organizations are not an official part of the University. Each organization is responsible for its own actions and is acting on behalf of the organization, not the University of Illinois. Because of this relationship, Campus Recreation and the Illini Union Office of Registered Organizations (RSO Office) are limited in how they work with registered organizations. The office works with requests and issues that may arise, with the Student Code as the guiding document.
Per the Student Code, Article 2, Section 303, (d): “Registered Organizations and Registered Student Organizations are independent and autonomous from the University and are responsible for managing their own affairs. Registered Organizations and Registered Student Organizations are not affiliated with the University. Nor are they units or agents of the University, and shall not represent them as such. Events and activities conducted by Registered Organizations and Registered Student Organizations shall not be considered University-sponsored.
As such, Registered Organizations and Registered Student Organizations shall not be permitted to use the name of University of Illinois, any abbreviations thereof, or any symbol identified with the University or to con- duct its affairs in such a manner as to imply to anyone dealing with it that it is an official agency or party of the University. This includes using either for promotional materials, clothing and/or website/electronic media. Groups may use the word University’ or may indicate the geographical designation ‘at the University of Illinois.’ Each Registered Organization and Registered Student Organization shall be required to include in its articles of incorporation, or association, in its bylaws, or its constitution and its contracts or agreements with others, a provision clearly stating that it is not an official agency or a part of the University, and disclaiming the responsibility of the University for its acts and liabilities.”
1.6 Campus Recreation’s Role in Club Sports
Club Sports are a function of both the Department of Campus Recreation, and the Office of Registered Organizations. Engagement in Club Sports provides the opportunity for learning experience through involvement in club activities, including recruiting, organizing, administering, scheduling, fundraising, public relations, etc. Club Sport participants can be rewarded by not only athletic competition, but also the development of skills in collaboration, leadership, problem-solving, and management of risk, time, and finances. In addition to the benefit sand services provided by the Office of Registered Organizations, the Department of Campus Recreation will provide assistance to club sports in the following ways:
- Programming Assistance: The Assistant Director of Clubs Sports and Program Assistant of Club Sports are available for problem solving, advice, and direction. Club members and officers are encouraged to email, call, or set up a meeting for assistance.
- Risk Management Resources: American Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid for Adults and Pediatric classes are required for 2 safety officers per club
- Facility/Field Space: Clubs can request practice and event space at the Activities and Recreation Center (ARC), Campus Recreation Center East (CRCE), Ice Arena, Complex Fields, or Outdoor Center Fields. Clubs are allocated 60 hours of free practice space each semester, and event space is available at the discounted RSO rate. New clubs will be allocated 30 hours of free practice space for their first active year as a Club Sport. Clubs may also request field lining and other equipment with their reservation.
- Marketing Assistance: Clubs may request marketing assistance from the Department of Campus Recreation. Social media promotion is available for free, while design, printing and posting in our facilities are available at a discounted rate.
- Oversight of Illinois Foundation Account: Campus Recreation oversees and makes purchases from the club foundation accounts. Campus Recreation will also provide Thank You letters to all new donors.
- Mailing Address: Clubs may use the Campus Recreation office at the ARC as a permanent mailing address. Club Officers will be contacted to pick up any incoming mail or packages.
- Storage: Clubs may request equipment space as necessary. Campus Recreation will attempt to accommodate all reasonable requests.
While Campus Recreation can assist clubs with some practices and processes, the emphasis is on student leadership and contribution. For this reason, the success of a club depends on the dedicated efforts of its student officers and members.
1.7 Important Contact Information
Asst. Director, Club Sports & Risk Mgmt
Ava Fiandaca
Program Assistant Email:
Reservation Information
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Ice Arena: (217)300-3944
Campus Recreation
ARC: (217)333-3806 CRCE: (217)333-3806
Club Mailing Address
[Club Name] c/o Club Sports, Campus Recreation Activities & Recreation Center (ARC) 201 E Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820 |
Other University Numbers
Office of Registered Organizations: (217)244-2357 Trademark & Licensing Office (217)333-2474 McKinley (Non-Emergency): (217)333-2701 UIPD (Non-Emergency): (217)333-1216 UIPD/Ambulance (Emergency): 911 University Information: (217)333-1000 |
1.8 Campus Recreation Staff
Assistant Director
The Assistant Director (AD) of Club Sports assists with overseeing all aspects of the Club Sports Program. The AD will lead Club Sport Meetings/Training, and be available for individual club consultation and to assist clubs to plan, organize, coordinate and evaluate projects. They will have the right to take corrective and/or disciplinary action against a club for violations of Club Sports, Campus Recreation, Registered Organization, and/or University of Illinois policies.
Program Assistant
The Program Assistant reports to the Assistant Director. The Program Assistant will assist with programming duties, daily operations, and development of Club Sports. The Program Assistant is designed to be an additional conduit between the Club Sports officers/participants, and the Campus Recreation Staff.
Section 2: Club Sports Policies
2.1 Club Sport Responsibilities and Requirements
All Club Sports must be registered as a student organization and must maintain ACTIVE RSO status through the year in order to continue to receive the benefits of being a Club Sport. In addition to the requirements set by the Office of Registered Organizations, Campus Recreation has implemented additional requirements that must be met to obtain or maintain the Club Sport status. These include:
Minimum Member Requirement
The expectation is that clubs maintain a minimum of 10 active members. If the club falls below 10 active members, a review meeting will be held between the club officers and the Assistant Director to determine the future of the club. This will be reviewed each semester.
Correspondence and Meetings
Communication will primarily be made through emails to club Presidents. It is expected that the Presidents frequently check their email. Mandatory meetings will be published at the beginning of each semester; presidents must attend or delegate the club representative role to another club officer. Any necessary information discussed at meeting should be disseminated to other club officers and member.
Clubs are responsible for maintaining current and consistent communication with Campus Recreation and the RSO Office by completing the forms and processes listed below.
- Re-Registration
- Club Roster
- Notification of Travel Form
- Team Constitution
- Practice Schedule Request Form
- Event Request Forms
- End of the Semester Report
- Coach Card Request Form (if applicable)
- Marketing Request Form (if applicable)
Our expectation is that all Illinois Club Sports members conduct themselves in a manner that most appropriately reflects the professionality and prestige of their club, the Division of Campus Recreation, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as well as follows the Student Code of Conduct. Therefore, we expect club members, coaches, and advisors alike to act in a mature and responsible manner when participating in club-related activities both on and off campus.
Acts that may cause a club to be disciplined include but are not limited to the following:
- Misuse of equipment or facilities while participating in club-related activity. This includes moving equipment, destroying equipment, or using facilities as a club outside of your scheduled club hours.
- The presence of alcohol at any club-related event including practices, competitions, fundraisers, and banquets.
- Hazing is defined by Illinois Law as knowingly requiring another person in any educational institution to perform an act for the purpose of joining any organization connected with that institution, if such act results in bodily harm to anyone, endangers the mental or physical health or safety of any person or destroys, defaces, or removes public or private property.
Consequences will be decided in part by either Campus Recreation or the Illini Union if the act goes against what is written in part 3, Student Discipline in the Student Code. Campus Recreation reserves the right to impose suspension or loss of Club status, loss of Campus Recreation space privileges, or probation/suspension of individuals. Discipline will be handled on a case by case basis.
Details on the University Of Illinois Student Code Of Conduct can be found here.
2.2 How to Start a Club Sport
- In order to apply to become a Club Sport, sponsored by the Department of Campus Recreation, the Club must already be recognized as a Student Organization by the Office of Registered Organizations
- To be eligible to become a recognized Club Sport, a potential Club shall meet the following requirements:
- Must be a Registered Student Organization (RSO) for a minimum of one full academic year and meet the re-registration requirements for the upcoming year
- Must have a regional or national governing body with which the club could/does associate with
- Must demonstrate leadership transition beyond founding members
- A Club Sport shall be defined as a group consisting of people who meet regularly to pursue an interest in sport activity
- Offer an activity that does not duplicate that of an existing Club Sport
- Offer an activity that falls within acceptable safety guideline, as determined by the Department of Campus Recreation
- Offer an activity for which approved space is available
- Be willing to comply with all Club Sports, Campus Recreation, Registered Organization, and University policies
- Meet the minimum requirements for a club and demonstrate the ability to meet the club responsibilities, as outlined in section 2.1 of this handbook
- Contact Club Sports via to inform them of the organization’s interest in becoming a recognized Club Sport.
- Submit the following documents for review which justifies the organization’s existence to the Club Sports Office or by email to
- Written constitution
- Written statement justifying the organization and why it should be accepted as a Club Sport
- Explanation of the difference between the organization and any similar existing Club Sports
- Written description of the organizations activities, and the space requirements for such activity
- Meet with the Assistant Director of Club Sports & Risk Management to discuss requirements and expectations of becoming a Club Sport. Campus Recreation will review the requirements submitted and determine approval based on factors such as risk of the sport, philosophy of the club, and resources to support the club.
*Note: If selected to become a Club Sport, you will receive half the normal space allocations during the first academic year.
2.3 Annual Registration
Club Sports need to re-register annually through the Office of Registered Organizations to remain a recognized and active organization at Illinois.
- Have a group of 5 or more people (you will need to list name and contact information for 5 authorized agents)
- Membership restricted to currently registered Illinois students, faculty, staff and their spouses. Authorized agents must be students, faculty or staff. To be a Club Sport participant you must have a Campus Recreation membership.
- Registered organizations shall not practice discrimination against a member or prospective member on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, political affiliation, age, marital status, handicap, unfavorable discharge from the military or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, except as specifically exempted by law.
- Name of the organization should:
- Not be in conflict with an existing Registered Organization.
- Not be the same as a nationally registered organization or society
- Not be an acronym only. The entire name of the organization must be written out.
- Not include the words “University,” “University of Illinois,” or any abbreviations thereof except in the form “at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign” which may follow the organization’s particular name
- Be in good taste
Dates & Deadlines
- Re-registration opens on April 1st every year. To remain active as a Club Sport, re-registration must be completed by Reading Day of the Spring Semester.
- If a Club does not re-register by this time, they will lose Club Sport status and privileges, but will have until September 30th to register as a regular Student Organization
- Steps to re-register can be found on the Office of Registered Organization website or in a document on the Officer Resources on the Campus Recreation website
Section 3: Member & Officer Requirements
3.1 Member Eligibility Requirements
Membership is open to all currently enrolled students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. There shall be no discrimination against a member or prospective member on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation including gender identity, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, disability, unfavorable discharge from the military, or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, except as specifically exempted by law. Clubs may have limits on participation due to competitive team size, national governing body rules and regulations, or resource restrictions particularly in travel or tournament settings.
Beginning Fall 2024, club members must have an active Campus Recreation membership and be in good standing with the department to be considered eligible for their team. For membership options, please refer to the Campus Recreation website. All club members must keep their I-Card/Campus Recreation Membership Card with them while participating in club sport events and practices.
Transgender Athlete Participation Policy
Campus Recreation at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign celebrates the transgender student population among their club participants. Through the guiding policies of the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA), we empower students to participate in club sport teams based on one’s gender identity, regardless of any medical treatment. While the University of Illinois does not restrict participation based on gender, national governing organizations (NGO’s) may have additional policies that should be taken into consideration before participating in a competition/game.
Release Forms
All Club Sports members must complete the Conditions of Participation and Release Form. More details can be found in the Risk Management Section of this handbook.
3.2 Officer Requirements
Only currently enrolled (full or part-time) students or appointed faculty/staff may serve as officers and authorized agents of an RSO. If there is a change to the President (primary contact), of Treasurer Position, please contact the Club Sports office to ensure that we are able to maintain communication with your club through the transition. In addition, this will have to be updated on your U of I Connections page in order to ensure that your leadership has access to the required Campus Recreation forms moving forward. All RSOs are required to have a President, Treasurer and 3 Authorized Agents. For Club Sports, one of the 3 Authorized Agents must serve as a Safety Officer for your club. Suggestions for division of club responsibilities amongst the officer roles are listed below.
The President:
The president serves as the primary liaison between the club at the Club Sports (and RSO) office and will be expected to complete or delegate the following tasks:
- Complete the required training/quizzes
- Attend or send a representative to all Club Sports meetings
- Maintain a club roster including full name and emails for all members
- Learn what services are available through the Club Sports office
- Preside over all club business
- Maintain a strong and positive relationship through frequent communication, updating us on positive outcomes or club developments along the way!
- Adhere to and inform other officers and club members of the club constitution and applicable policies and procedures, completing all required forms and documents by the designated deadlines
- Prepare the club’s calendar of events and request and necessary facility space
The Treasurer:
- Complete the required training/quizzes
- Ensure that all club members have paid membership dues, if required
- Maintain club budget and on/ off-campus bank accounts (including club deposits into the RSO account)
- Submit appropriate documentation if spending from club Foundation account
- Coordinate fundraising activities, including the expectations outlined by the Office of Registered Organizations
The Safety Officer (two per club):
- Complete recommended training
- Ensure that all club members have completed the Conditions of Participation and Release form PRIOR TO PARTICIPATION in club activities
- 1 of the 2 must be present at all practices
- 1 of the 2 must be present on all away games/competitions
3.3 Coaches & Instructors
Clubs may seek the assistance of a coach/instructor. Officers must understand the following criteria as they relate to a coach/instructor: A Club Sport is first and foremost a student organization, and, as such, the student officers must serve as the liaison between the club and the Club Sports staff. The Club Sports office is not permitted to be involved in the selection of coaches/instructors, and will not be able to discuss club matters with them.
Facility Access
Clubs practicing at the ARC or CRCE can request facility access for up to 2 coaches/instructors per semester. This access is limited to club activity during regular approved practice times. Passes should be requested by completing the Coach/Instructor Pass Request form. Processing of the form can take up to a week, and the approval of these requests is at the discretion of the Club Sports office. Once awarded a pass, coaches/instructors must carry it, along with a photo id to present upon entering our facilities. If coaches/instructors are found to be abusing their facility access (for example, coming in outside of regular practice times), this privilege can be revoked.
Section 4 – Risk Management
4.1 Insurance
All participants are encouraged to have their own medical insurance before they participate in Club Sport activity. The Department of Campus Recreation does not carry any type of health insurance policy to cover these participants. Clubs should be aware of and adhere to any insurance requirements set forth by their National Governing Body/Organization.
4.2 Conditions of Participation and Release
Each participant must fill out the online Conditions of Participation and Release form prior to joining a club roster. This document outlines the assumption of risk with club participation, as well as responsibilities and requirements pertaining to the role of club sport members. Completion of this document by all members also aids in collection of accurate club participation numbers to make year to year comparison of growth and retention of our Club Sports program.
4.3 Safety Officers
Each club is required to have TWO Safety Officers, whose names are to be reported to the Club Sports office. The following training opportunities are MANDATORY for the officers:
- American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED for Adults and Pediatrics – offered by the department of campus recreation
The following training opportunities are recommended for the officers:
- Hazing Prevention
- Emergency Response Guide
More information on each training opportunity will be posted on a semester-by-semester basis. All registration requests should be directed to the Assistant Director of Club Sports & Risk Management
Section 5 – Travel
5.1 Notification of Travel Form
A Notification of Travel form must be completed prior to all club trips outside of the Champaign-Urbana area to a location other than a normal practice facility. The only information required to complete the form are travel dates and locations, as well as a contact name and phone number. If you are requesting a letter for professors, this will be indicated in your Notification of Travel form and will require you to list the full names of all traveling members
5.2 Travel Notification Letters
In accordance with the Student Code of Conduct, club competition is not considered an excused absence from classes. The Club Sports office can prepare Travel Notification letters for any traveling club members, but excusal from class is at the discretion of the individual professors. Our office MUST write any excusal letters for club sports competitions – please allow up to a week for these to be written up and returned to you for distribution to your members.
5.3 Post-Travel Report
While not required, we encourage club officers to reach out to us when they return in order to update us on how your trip was. We love any opportunity to celebrate club successes or advise on possible opportunities for improvement. This is currently an informal process, but we may look to explore other reporting options moving forward!
Section 6- Facility Reservations & Scheduling
6.1 Hours Allocation
One of the benefits of Club Sport status with Campus Recreation is the allocation of free facility space for club practices. Each fully active club is eligible for up to 60 hours of free practice space, with the exception of clubs using the Ice Arena, who have individualized allocations with us. Due to facility limitations, Campus Recreation may not be able to approve all space requests, and therefore some clubs may not get a full 60 hours of space. Any requests for practices beyond the 60 hours will be charged back to the RSO account using the RSO hourly rate to calculate the overage. Billing usually occurs in the semester following your event.
6.2 Practice Request Form
Practice request forms are used to request regular practice times for your club in the upcoming semester, and should be completed by an officer (usually the president) who will be active during the requested practice times. The deadline for these forms will be published at the beginning of each semester. This form is available and designed through U of I Connections and is linked from the Campus Recreation website.
Information needed to complete form:
- Contact Info
- Practice facilities, days, times
- Practice date range
- Total hours requested (anything over 60 hours will be charged to your RSO account at the RSO indoor or outdoor rental rate)Keep in mind that space limitations exist and often times the schedule remains consistent year-to-year and semester-to-semester. For groups requesting spaces that have higher demand (in particular the pool, and combat room), if you wish to request non-traditional times for your club practices, you should reach out to other groups who use your facility to discuss how you could work together to change your schedules (i.e. trading times, etc.). For additional practices that you wish to add later in the semester, you must complete the Event Request form, which must be first turned in to the RSO office for approval.
6.3 Facility Rental Request
Facility Rental Request Forms are to be used for any events outside of normal club practices. These forms must be submitted to the RSO Office at least two weeks prior to the event. Requesting parties will receive email notification once their request has been reviewed by Campus Recreation. The requesting party will receive an approved copy or a request for edits of their request via email.After the RSO Office approves the request, it will be sent to Campus Recreation.
Please keep in mind that reservations for large social events or tournaments should be submitted earlier as they may take more time and resources to accommodate. In requests for larger events, you may be asked to meet with the Assistant Director of Club Sports & Risk Management to discuss event details.
Section 7- Equipment
7.1 Storage
All equipment provided for club use by Campus Recreation is expected to be properly taken care of and stored away. Storage for club equipment is available on a limited basis. Outdoor clubs may store some equipment at the Complex Fields, while Indoor clubs may have access to lockers within the Club Sports storage room off of Gym 3 in the ARC. Approval is needed prior to storing your equipment as space constraints must be considered as all storage spaces are shared spaces. Lockers will be assigned at the first meeting of the academic year. Please contact the Club Sports Office with inquiries.
7.2 Purchase & Shipping
Clubs are welcome to purchase equipment and have the items shipped to Campus Recreation with prior approval from the Club Sports Office. Due to space constraints, clubs should not expect that all purchased items can be stored within Campus Recreation facilities without first discussing with our office. Clubs are responsible for picking up their shipped items from Campus Recreation within a reasonable amount of time.
Section 8 – Finances
Campus Recreation does not have a budget to support the Club Sports program. For this reason, clubs are generally financially independent from the university, relying primarily on fundraisers, donations and membership dues to support their activities. While the university offers a few funding opportunities for club activities, It is expected that club sports be as self-sufficient as possible.
8.1 Membership Dues
Student Organizations, including club sports may charge dues of their members. The amount is typically determined by Club Officers based on financial needs of the organization. It’s important to remember that this may be a great means to raise money, but could also prohibit some students from being involved because of the cost associated. The Club Sports Office encourages good judgement when establishing dues, as well as issuance of receipts and adoption of a refund policy (even if it’s no refunds).
8.2 Fundraising
Fundraising is a great way for clubs to raise money, and can help inform the community about the organization and its purpose and successes. While Campus Recreation does not have specific fundraising guidelines, all clubs should be aware of the fundraising policies set forth by the Student Engagement Office.
8.3 SORF
The Student Organization Resource Fund (SORF) may be applied for by all Registered Student Organizations (RSO) and can be used to help fund such things as travel, permanent equipment and honorariums. For detailed information on the application for SORF funds, visit their website. Any questions pertaining to SORF should be sent to them directly, as Campus Recreation plays no role in this process.
8.4 University of Illinois Foundation Account
All Club Sports are given a University of Illinois Foundation (UIF) Account in which they can accept donations from other organizations, alumni, or sponsors. All donations to the UIF account are tax refundable. When donations are received for your club, Campus Recreation will prepare thank you letters for your donors, which you will then be asked to come in to sign. More information on donations or establishing a UIF account can be found on the Illinois Foundation’s website.
Once a UIF account has been established, Clubs may use the funds for Campus Recreation approved purchases including hotels, buses, and other general purchases. Guidelines on purchasing are listed below.
As soon as your club becomes aware of a trip, please contact the Club Sports Office if you are planning on using your UIF balance to pay for the hotel. You must provide a link to the specific hotel you are staying it, how many rooms you are booking, how many total people will be staying in the rooms, and the dates of the stay. Just in case your first choice hotel is booked, please provide information for an alternate hotel. A hotel receipt must be sent to the Club Sports Office via email or fax within 24 hours of checkout.
As soon as your club becomes aware of a trip, please contact the Club Sports Office if you are planning on using your UIF balance to pay for a bus. In order to use your UIF balance, the bus must be booked through Peoria Charter or from other companies included on the Insured Charter list. You may book the bus yourself and then send Campus Recreation the quote and we will arrange for the payment, or we can make the reservation for you. Please provide the dates of the trip, the pick-up time and location, the destination, and the number of passengers. Be aware if you go this route that you will be responsible for the lodging of the driver during the duration of the trip.
General Purchases:
You are responsible for doing your own research for any purchases you wish to make with your UIF balance. The Club Sports Office will need a quote or link to the item/website that you are wanting to purchase.
If the purchase is under $5,000.00, Campus Recreation can use a credit card for purchase. In this situation, the purchasing process should take no more than a week.
If the purchase is over $5000.00, the Club Sports Office will need a quote from the company. Please make sure the shipping address is correct and there is no tax included in the quote, as Campus Recreation is considered tax exempt.
Note for large orders: if the item is large enough to have to be delivered on a lift truck, please state this specifically and include this in the shipping price. Because there is not a loading dock at the ARC, large item orders may need to be delivered instead to Central Receiving. Let the Club Sports Office know in advance if you believe this is the case for your delivery, and make sure the shipping address is set to Central Receiving. You will be responsible for pick up and transportation of your items once delivered.
Section 9- Marketing & Publicity
9.1 Marketing Requests
Clubs can complete the Marketing Request Form for marketing support for an upcoming or past event from Campus Recreation. Social Media promotion will be provided free of charge, and additional marketing options are available for a supplementary cost.
Request | Fee |
Social Media (Twitter and Instagram) | Free
Campus Rec will re-share Club Sports posts they are tagged in. Limit of 2 posts per platform, per semester. |
Graphic Design Services | $95/hour |
Digital Signage | $30/week
$100/month |
Print Poster 22”x28” | $20/week*
$75/month* |
* There is a $25 fee for each poster printed by Campus Recreation
9.2 Resource Fairs
Clubs are encouraged to participate in Quad Day sponsored by the RSO Office. It is important to keep in mind that spaces fill up quickly and that this is one of the best opportunities to reach a large number of students. Registration for Quad Day typically starts the first day of re-registration and we encourage you to register early so you don’t miss out. If Campus Recreation finds additional opportunities for clubs to participate in resource fairs, the Club Sports Office will reach out with information and instructions.
9.3 University of Illinois Identity Standards
Logo Use
Any student or club is prohibited from using the university logo on letterheads, business cards or other identifying materials. A club team may, however, use a university mark as part of its uniform, provided the item is not issued or made available for sale to anyone other than team members. Club teams are typically permitted to use the Block I on clothing as long as the team name is listed on the items according to policy. No clubs are permitted to use the Shield logo. Clubs should refer to the Trademark and Licensing website for information regarding logo use and contact the Trademark and Licensing Office for approval PRIOR to ordering apparel.
Club Team Use:
If a Club Sport wishes to make use of the word “team” in its title, it can only do so when the words “Sports Club” precede the word “team”. For example, “Rugby Sports Club Team at the University of Illinois” is permissible, but “University of Illinois Rugby Team” or “Fighting Illini Rugby Team” are not.
The general rule is that the university name or an abbreviation of its name, such as the U of I, cannot precede the name of the organization. The use of “Illini” in the name is permitted.