

Statement of Inclusion

University of Illinois Campus Recreation, as part of Illinois Student Affairs, celebrates diversity.

As such, we are dedicated to providing an inclusive environment with safe services, programs, and facilities that are welcoming to all individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, spirituality, gender, gender identity/expression, age, sexual orientation, ability, socioeconomic status, or national origin. In an effort to accommodate all of our members, we provide multiple workout areas and programs to address various skill, ability, and individual comfort levels.

Campus Recreation makes every effort to be accessible to all abilities. If you need special accommodations for facilities, activities, and/or programs, please contact us at campusrec@illinois.edu or provide your Accessibility Feedback online. Additional resources, including a list of accessible equipment, can be found on this website.



  • Create a monitoring system to measure diversity representation by function at all levels.
  • Develop diversity training.
  • Develop diverse programming that includes nontraditional sports, facility amenities, and users.
